Friday, February 25, 2011

Let the Good Times Roll

Road trip anyone? Ask me that and I can't pack my bags fast enough, even if I have no idea to what part of the state, country, or world the adventure will take me. I'm a sucker for any kind of new experience, especially if it's exploring places I've never been or getting to take part in a something I've only heard about and lived vicariously through other's stories and pictures.

That's how I ended up on the streets of Mobile, AL for the 2011 opening Mardi Gras parade. As the masked mystery men rode by on their elaborately decorated floats and horses, they tossed thousands of beads to the cheering crowds only a few feet away behind the barricades. Beads of all colors and sizes sailed through the air, along with stuffed animals, moon pies, streamers, and other coveted hand-outs. The hypde and excitement cannot be described, but as so many people told me before, "It's just something you HAVE to experience!"

Once the parade ended, we made our way to the Mobile Convention Center; ladies dressed to a "T" in our formal gowns and the fellas looking sharp in their tails, ready to "eat, drink and be meery" by dancing the night away. Decorations abounded in the different rooms, which complimented the bright costumes the masked members of the Mardi Gras organizations adorned. The whole night was amazing, from dancing to the upbeat music of different bands, to being part of call out when the masked men are recognized by the crowd and pay their respects to the Mardi Gras queen, to even seeing the houses decorated with gold, green, and purple wreaths and banners. It's a whole different world and culture from anything I had experienced.

But understanding the history and importance of such events has become more of a priority as I associate myself with different life and cultural experiences. Upon further reading and researching (here's where the self-proclaimed nerd in me comes out!), the history of this great celebration holds greater importance than I first realized.

From the well-known site Wikipedia: "Mardi Gras is French for 'Fat Tuesday' referring to the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of Lent, which starts on Ash Wednesday. Lent lasts 46 days (40 days not counting Sundays) before Easter. Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents as a sign of repentance."

Little did I realize that this celebration season is yet another reminder of the greatest sacrifice that one single man made for the people He loves the most. An unselfish, everlasting, all-impacting walk upon a hill and shameful death opened the door for freedom to explore the joys of this world; the freedom to love and laugh, cry and question; the ability to overcome and conquer the fears and challenges life presents; the choice to have hope for eternity that cannot be stripped away.

The colors of the Mardi Gras ball and costumes, in all their grandeur, truly pale in comparison to the natural beauty of this world, but even more of the unseen mansions lining the streets of gold awaiting us. In the same way the ball attendees enjoyed the food, wind and dancing at the party and paid respects to the Mardi Gras queen, we will all relish in a never ending party that mere words cannot describe and our little minds cannot conceive as we pay our respects for the loving relationship with a man who gave us His all.

Until that final party, I'll continue to pack my bags for the adventures of life and as the French say in this seasonal celebration, "Laissez les bons temps rouler!" (Let the good times roll!)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Making the Heart Smile

People either get excited over the thought of Valentine's Day or they turn their nose up at all the hype that surrounds this "day of love." Some have that special someone to share the day with, while for others it's a bitter reminder of singless, which some equate with loneliness. I've been on both sides of the fence.

As I think about the word "LOVE" and all the things in life I say I love, an interesting mixture of emotions rushes over me. I know what you're doing; you're thinkign about all the things in life that you say you love. Now that your wheels are turning, let's chat about this.

So many times, I catch myself saying I love chocoalate ice cream, delectable cupcakes, a steaming hot shower, a warm cup of coffee, wine with dinner, a challenging run while listening to my favorite tunes, seeing the sunrise over the water, long walks on the beach with the sound of the waves crashing along the shore. Ok, it's starting to sound like a singles want ad, but you get the idea. Yes, I do love each of these things and so many more that making a handwritten list of them all would probably circle the globe a time and a half. Each of these pleasures tickles the five basic senses: sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste. As I sit back and take a minute to embrace the mere thought of enjoying each one, my heart grins.

When I take this idea of love a step further and get past the tangible things I claim to love, a whole new level is awakened. This next level of love includes the emotions that are aroused from those tangible experiences, but steps into the realm past these simple things. This level encompasses all of the experiences that I love so dearly: a weekend trip with girlfriends full of laughs, shopping and good food; sunggling up with a blanket and getting lost in a good book for hours on end, escaping reality to live a created world momentarily; soaking in a bubble bath after a long day at the office as lavender scented candles offer a warm glow; chatting with a long distance friend for hours forgetting that time zones and hundreds of miles separate us only in the physical world, but our hearts still beat as one. These experiences make my heart go from just a grin, to a sweet smile.

Dive one more level into this thing called love and you find what is really at the heart of the matter, even if the things and experiences from the top two layers were stripped away. What might that be? None other than the relationships that entangle and enrich our lives. Shareing the beauty of life's relationships - and not just the romantic ones - is really what love is all about. These relationships, when I think upon them, are what really what make my heart go from a smile, to actually skipping a beat.

When you stop and think about the many relationships of life, it's almost an overwhelming idea as to the numerous roles we play in different people's lives, but simultaneously how exciting it is to be able to pour out that much love in the world. Then, reverse that and think about the wide variety of people we let into our lives and how they love on us to influence who we are, who we become, and who we desire to be in the future.

As a sister, a daughter and grand-daughter, a friend, a running companion, a co-worker, a college student-group advisor, a teacher to elementary school girls, an encourager, a travel enthusiast, a writer, a chocoholic, a wine connoissuer (one day), a self-proclaimed bookworm, a leader, a follower, a singer (shower only!), a conversationalist, an occasional cook and baker, I wish you a day filled with love, happiness, and all the things, experiences, but most of all, all the people that make your heart smile!