Today I did something I haven't done in a while. I picked up lunch from a local restaurant, found a parking spot at the nearby park on the river and made my way to a picnic table. After tossing around my salad around to mix the toppings together I began to savor each and every bite. While you may be thinking, "So, you haven't eaten a sald in a while?" let me assure you that rarely do I ever miss a meal and salad is a favorite.
During this coveted hour away from the office I took some time to think, to reflect, to let my mind wander, to let my mind run wild with the ideas and possibilities of life, while still allowing a few minutes for my mind to rest as well. After I finished my lunch (I ate every piece of bacon and blue cheese crumble that came on that salad), I took a little stroll. Starting off, the sidewalk curved around the landscaping and signage for the park, taking me over a small bridge connecting the walkway to the continued path just beyond the trees. As I walked I pushed out of my mind's eye everything that had demanded my attention so far today and just breathed.
Noticing how the trees swayed in the cool breeze made me realize this same breeze caused my hair to dance on my shoulders, every now and then tickling my nose just a bit. The sun's warmth embraced me like that of a hug from a friend. Even as I glanced across the slow moving river water that seemed a bit dirty from the recent rain, I was reminded of the beauty that welcomes me each and every day if I will just stop for a minute and enjoy it.
While I can't say I "stopped to smell the roses" since they aren't actually in bloom, I did make time in this crazy race called life that keeps me running from one thing to the next, to stop, breathe, reflect and remember that each day I am given is a special gift. It's up to me what I will do with this gift called today.